Camps (469) 628-5399
Signed in as:
Camps (469) 628-5399
Signed in as:
Hyatt Regency Waikiki
Honolulu, Hawaii
Mary Carroll High School
Corpus Christi, Texas
Categories include: Kick, Jazz, Pom, Prop, Military, Novelty, Lyrical, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Modern, Production and Open.
Available to all Teams/Studios. Time limit is 5 minutes.
Available to all Teams/Studios. Time limit is 3 minutes.
Available to all Officer Squads. Time limit is 3 minutes.
Available to all groups to showcase 10-24 elite members. Time limit is 3 minutes. All Select groups will compete together regardless of size. The same categories apply as in the Team divisions. Officer squads may not compete in this division as a squad; however, officers may be a part of the Select group. Each Select company represents the school. The same members do not have to be in each company.
Available to all groups with 21+ dancers. Time limit is 3 minutes.
Available to all groups with 13-20 dancers. Time limit is 3 minutes.
Available to all groups with 7-12 dancers. Time limit is 3 minutes.
Available to all groups with 4-6 dancers. Time limit is 3 minutes.
Available to all groups with 3 dancers. Time limit is 3 minutes.
Available to all groups with 2 dancers. Time limit is 3 minutes.
Available to any individual. Time limit is 2 minutes 30 seconds.
$30 per routine is added for solos and ensembles when team routines are not registered from a participating school. Independent performers (performers registered by parents and not competing with their team), should register using our system for Independent performers. Please contact the office for more information. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS- 10% off will be applied if full payment for any contest is paid in full prior to December 1! CANCELLATION DEADLINE IS FOUR WEEKS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE EVENT.
2023 Nationals - FAQ (pdf)
Download2024 Nationals - Results (pdf)
DownloadSchedules are posted the week of contest.
Directors: Once a preliminary schedule is emailed to you, you can report needed changes using the Schedule Change Request Form.
Nationals Info Packet - FINAL EDIT (pdf)